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Frank Bremmer (Dept.Neurophysics, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany)

"Visual Perception during eye movements" / Thursday, April 1, 2010, 17:15 h
When Apr 01, 2010
from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
Where Lecture Hall, Hansastr. 9a
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The Bernstein Center Freiburg

Bernstein Seminar
Frank Bremmer
Philipps-University Marburg, Germany

Visual perception during eye movements

Thursday, April 1, 2010

17:15 h

Lecture Hall (ground floor)
BCCN building
Hansastraße 9A
79104 Freiburg
Eye movements challenge visual processing. While the image of external objects moves across the retina during such movements, we perceive the outer world as being stable. Yet, it appears, that this perceptual stability is not complete. Recent studies have shown that spatial processing in the temporal vicinity of voluntary eye movements is not veridical. In my talk I will present data from neurophysiological studies in awake monkeys aimed at identifying the neural correlate of changes of visual perception during saccadic eye movements. In addition I will present data that we recently obtained in human psychophysical studies on the localization of targets during reflexive eye movements (OKN and OKAN).
The talk is open to the public. Guests are cordially invited!


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